Dear Greens and Supporters,
Our candidates are in the city this week. Come out to see them at one or all of these events.
Please volunteer, donate, “like” and share Howie’s FaceBook Page (very important!) and help Get Out the Vote for the only independent
eco-socialist Gubernatorial ticket – Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee and the other state wide candidates Mark Dunlea, Comptroller and Michael Sussman, Attorney General.
There is so much going on this week!
Monday October 15 Daytime – Join Howie and campaign volunteers for a press conference at City Hall at 10:30am. Then at
1:30pm Join Howie, Randy Credico, and a man in a chicken suit (James Lane) and volunteers in front of Cuomo’s office at 633 3rd
Avenue in Manhattan to call Cuomo a “chicken” for refusing to debate. Help us demand that Cuomo DEBATE! – Call Dani at (347) 218-3107 for more info.
Monday October 15 Evening – URGENT REQUEST FROM HOWIE:
We need help to flyer the 600 people coming to the socialism vs. capitalism debate at the Gerald W Lynch Theater in John Jay College on Monday night October 15th.
We are meeting at 5:30 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. The debate starts at 6:30 pm. Carmen Hulbert will have flyers for our Socialist Solutions panels for Tuesday (Segregation) and Wednesday (Health Care). So we need a good number of people to make sure we leaflet the whole crowd when the arrive to get in. Please let Carmen know you are coming: 347-277-3892,
P.S. Howie can not be at this event due to having to be in Nassau County protesting No Debates Cuomo at a fundraiser with that same man in a chicken suit with “Cuomo” sign around his neck and carrying a placard that says “Cluck You! No Debates!” After that, he is speaking at another previously scheduled event in Long Island.
Tuesday October 16 – Socialist Solutions to Pressing Problems Forum on SEGREGATION. Join our candidates Howie Hawkins, Jia Lee, Michael Sussman, and Margaret Kimberly from Black Agenda Report at The Commons 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. at 7:00pm.
Wednesday October 17 – Socialist Solutions to Pressing Problems Forum on HEALTH CARE. Join Howie Hawkins, Jen James from DSA and Medicare for all Campaign, Sean Petty from NY State Nurses Association. Lehman College, 250 Bedford Park Blvd W, Bronx, NY at 7:00pm.
Thursday, Oct. 18 Daytime – Campaign outreach at Brooklyn College from 12:00pm – 3:00pm. Contact or 347-218-3107 if you can help.
Thursday, Oct. 18 Evening – at 7:00pm – Green Party of Brooklyn is holding its weekly organizing meeting at 31 Smith Street, 2nd floor.
Training on text banking and canvassing in addition to other organizing actions are on the agenda so RSVP to or 917-886-4538
Check out Howie’s new commercial and please share widely!
If YOU want to organize tabling or leafletting in your neighborhood let us know. Contact: or (917) 886-4538
Need campaign materials? Contact: or 347-218-3107