Dear Greens and supporters,
Our messages will be coming more often now that election day is only 4 weeks away! There is so much activity to get involved in! Please volunteer, donate, “like” and share Howie’s FaceBook Page (very important!) and help Get Out the Vote for the only independent eco-socialist Gubernatorial ticket – Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee and the other state wide candidates Mark Dunlea, Comptroller and
Michael Sussman, Attorney General.
Here is the latest on what’s happening around the city this week:
Thursday, Oct. 11 – Campaign outreach at Brooklyn College from 10:00am – 12:00pm. Contact or 347-218-3107 if you can help.
Thursday, Oct. 11 at 7:00pm – Green Party of Brooklyn is holding its weekly organizing meeting at 31 Smith Street, 2nd floor. Training on text banking and canvassing in addition to other organizing actions are on the agenda so RSVP to or 917-886-4538
Saturday October 13 – Leaflet for Howie/Jia at the Rally for our Neighborhoods – a protest about overdevelopment and big real estate’s undue influence on our elected officials. City Hall Steps 12 noon to 1:00pm. Contact Carmen at (347) 277-3892.
Sunday October 14 – Tabling and Flyering at the Hispanic Day Parade from 10:00am to 3:00pm. We will set up a table between West 58th & 59th streets, off Fifth Avenue and we will flyer North and South bound along the parade. Contact Carmen at (347) 277-3892. See event on FB at
The first debate (and possibly only) for New York State Comptroller took place in-studio on Tuesday 10/9. We apologize that we announced it would be broadcast live. It was not live, but it will be broadcast on Sunday October 14 at 8:00pm. Watch Mark Dunlea answering questions and arguing for divesting NY state’s pension plan from fossil fuels.
Tune in on TV: MNN1 (Spectrum 34 & 1995, RCN 82, FiOS 33) or go to for other links to watch.
Check out Howie’s new commercial and please share widely!
Upcoming Forums Next Week and Beyond – Socialist Solutions to Pressing Problems
If YOU want to organize tabling or leafletting in your neighborhood let us know. Contact: or (917) 886-4538
Need campaign materials? Contact: or 347-218-3107