Our candidates have been hard at work this year fighting for justice, and we have the chance to make some big breakthroughs in New York City politics.
To bring the election to life, we need all hands on deck this Tuesday. We need people handing out literature outside poll sites, and phonebanking.
Please lend a hand this Tuesday. Fill out this form to let us know where and when you can help.
And don’t forget to vote yourself! Use this tool to quickly look up your polling place, and make a plan now for when in the day you can vote, and how you will get there.
Read more about our hard-working and diverse group of candidates!
Akeem Browder for Mayor
James Lane for Public Advocate
Julia Willebrand for Comptroller
For City Council:
Jabari Brisport (CD 35)
Carmen Hulbert (CD 38)
Persephone Smith (CD 37)