This year, Green Party of Brooklyn worked hard to challenge machine politics in New York. We are very proud of our candidates, and the results they had to show for their efforts.
- Persephone Smith got 10% of the vote in District 37.
- Carmen Hulbert got 7% in a four-way race in District 38.
- And Jabari Brisport broke the Green Party’s previous NYC Council record with a strong 29% of the vote in District 35.
All three were first-time candidates who went into the election with no name recognition, and all went up against formidable incumbents backed by the weight of the Democratic party establishment. The candidates built campaign infrastructure and organized people who will work together in the fights ahead.
We also want to shout out to the GP’s citywide slate of candidates, Akeem Browder, James Lane, and Julia Willebrand, for valiantly fighting uphill battles while excluded from public debates, and for helping campaign with our Brooklyn candidates and for helping raise important issues around the city.
The mainstream media narrative of Tuesday’s election has focused on De Blasio’s easy reelection and Democrats’ victories in some state races, but strong results by independent left candidates in NYC and around the country are what keeps us warm as the days grow shorter. You can rest assured that our campaigns will grow even stronger in the years ahead.
We hope you will join us to celebrate our progress this year, and talk about what comes next, at the Green Party of Brooklyn nomination meeting and holiday party on Monday, December 4. Keep an eye out for an email with more details shortly.