The Green Party of Brooklyn officially endorses Jabari Brisport for the 35th City Council District
Greens unite behind Brisport; Jabari demands debate with Cumbo
In the New York City primary held Tuesday, Jabari Brisport won 89 percent of the vote to become the Green Party’s candidate for the New York City Council seat for the 35th District, and is now set to pose a serious electoral challenge to the district’s incumbent, Laurie Cumbo. Cumbo won her party’s nomination after a divisive primary campaign, with only 58 percent of the Democratic Party vote. In this Village Voice article, Brisport is described as “a charismatic third-party candidate… with unprecedented momentum behind his bid.”
Because of Brisport’s victory, progressives in the 35th District have a second chance to take power in this election cycle.
Said Brisport, who is also supported by the Democratic Socialists of America, “We have the momentum in this race because we’re pushing a radical message of hope. The Democratic primary was contentious. That’s not because of the challenger, but because thousands of ignored residents here are under siege and terrified. This campaign is fighting to bring power back to the people: in housing, in policing, in education and in the economy. And we’re gonna win.”
Scott A. Hutchins, the Green Party challenger whom Brisport defeated in the primary, said, “Jabari is the only candidate who offers a true alternative to Cumbo’s corporate approach to development. By proposing that ownership of disputed public property – such as the Bedford-Union Armory – be transferred into community land trusts run by local stakeholders, Jabari provides a real solution to a city threatened by runaway gentrification. I support his candidacy wholeheartedly.”
Said Josh Feintuch, Chair of the Green Party of Brooklyn, “It makes no sense at all for public property like the Bedford-Union Armory to be used primarily for the enrichment of developers. Cumbo’s – and Mayor de Blasio’s – capitulation to the real estate industry must be opposed. Our candidate, Jabari Brisport, will make sure the armory is used for the community, by the community.”
“I’m demanding a public, televised debate between the general election candidates,” said Brisport. “This district presents a Rorschach Test. The incumbent sees a triumph: 1,000 new units of affordable housing. I see a crisis: 30,000 eviction cases. I’m curious what our voters see.”
The Green Party of Brooklyn is the Green Party political organization for Kings County in New York City. We run candidates in the borough of Brooklyn, work on local issue campaigns and represent a progressive challenge to “politics-as-usual.” We are the opposition party in Brooklyn.
Green Party of Brooklyn:
Jabari 2017:
Jabari Brisport for City Council: