What is the GOTV Plan?
We need long-time activists to
Sign the vote pledge for Hawkins/Lee
Recruit 10-20 friends/family/allies/long-lost Green friends not currently involved the party and get them to…Sign the vote pledge for Hawkins/Lee Recruit 5-20 more people to Sign the vote pledge for Hawkins/Lee
Turn in all of your signup sheets from canvassing! To forms@howiehawkins.org
Make sure you have enough Literature for distribution.
Make personal phone calls. Reach out one-on-one. Have conversations. Explain that Howie and Jia are the only progressives on the ballot for Governor. Explain that the only way to resist the corporate rule of Cuomo with their vote is to vote for Howie and Jia. Explain that the only way to overcome rightwing monsters like Trump is to build a strong Left party opposed to corporate influence, which the Democratic Party leadership (like Cuomo) will never do.Explain why this is important to you — personally. Ask them what issues they care most about, explain how Howie and Jia will fight for them. Call in favors! Do whatever you have to do. Tell them about the rest of our statewide slate! Tell them about the great local candidates we run, or will run!
By When Does It Need To Happen?
We need activists to have recruited your 10-20 people as soon as possible. Then we need you to follow up with your recruits and encourage them to keep reaching out to their people!
If each of us makes a personal appeal to 10-20 people who then each go out and persuade 10-20 other people that could mean an extra few thousand votes on Election Day. And we will need every one of those votes to ensure we keep our ballot line.
Is This Our Only Get Out The Vote Tactic?
No. On Tuesday we will begin text banking through our entire phone list in a week.
Please note: Text banking is similar to phone banking except it is much easier and MORE FUN! It is simple to learn and can be done from your home computer on your own schedule. Once you sign up at the above link, you will be sent a tutorial to watch and then you can start. It is one of the quickest and best ways to reach maximum voters. Please sign up!
Street Tabling/Leafletting Continues – Upcoming Events to Attend and Campaign:
Wednesday October 24th Come out to support our Green Party Comptroller candidate Mark Dunlea! He will be speaking on the Green New Deal at 7:00pm at the Ethical Culture Society in Manhattan, 2 West 64th Street, NYC 10023
Thursday October 25th, Morning – From 10:00am-12:00pm join Green Party Comptroller Candidate Mark Dunlea as he campaigns at Brooklyn Borough Hall. For more information contact dani@gpbk.org or (347) 218-3107.
Thursday October 25th, Evening – Peoples Forum/JVP/Peace NYC Present a talk on the Book Follow The Money, by Dennis Bernstein. Panelists Include Ralph Poynter, Richard Falk, Riva Enteen, and audio from Mumia Abu Jamal. 7:00pm 320 W. 37th Street. Please arrive at 6:30 to Leaflet the crowd with Hawkins/Lee campaign literature!
SAVE THE DATE – Thursday November 1st – Debate Watch and Final Campaign Meeting
Although thus far Cuomo has refused to debate ALL the Gubernatorial Candidates, The League of Women Voters has stepped forward to sponsor a debate in Albany where all the candidates are invited. Cuomo has not (yet) accepted, but all other candidates are confirmed. The debate will be live streamed. Join GPBK members for our last campaign meeting to watch the debate together, to plan for election day campaigning, and to get text bank training. 31 Smith Street, 2nd floor in Downtown Brooklyn. Exact Time TBA. Contact: gloria@gpbk.org or (917) 886-4538.
Other Ways to Help the Campaign
Call NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli at 518 474-4044 and urge him to divest the state pension funds from fossil fuels (you can also tweet him at Tom DiNapoli or @NYSComptroller, #DivestNY).
Script When you call: please divest the NYS pension from fossil fuels. It is wrong to invest the pension fund in companies that are destroying the planet through global warming. And it is increasingly a risky financial investment. You can also sign
petition calling for DiNapoli to agree to divest. The Comptroller has the power to make the decision to divest by himself.