Hope to see Everyone Monday Feb 5th at 7 PM at the YWCA (30 Third Avenue, Brooklyn)!
Our agenda:
We are looking forward to a lively discussion of what is important to you as a Green Party member, and how we can organize and engage around those important issues.
Nominations and vote for GPBK State Committee representative. Our county delegation has a vacancy due to one of our representatives moving away from Brooklyn. Nominations for the empty seat will be taken at the meeting. If you are interested in being nominated or nominating someone else, please contact gloria@gpbk.org. You must be registered Green Party in Brooklyn to be eligible.
Proposed by-laws change. GPBK leadership proposes the following amendment, designed to clarify the timelines around candidate authorizations. Per our bylaws, this amendment will be brought up for discussion at this meeting, and then formally voted on at the following meeting.
Proposed addition to 4.3 Meetings
Insert new language in 4.3.2: A meeting will be called not earlier than 28 days and not later than 7 days before the first day to sign designating petitions. The purpose of the meeting shall be to adopt a platform, or to pass resolutions for the nominating, authorizing and/or endorsing Green Party candidates for party and/or public office in the upcoming election; and such other business as the members may propose
Re-number the other sub-sections in 4.3 accordingly
Hope you can join us.
In solidarity,
Gloria Mattera